Sunday, September 2, 2012

August 27th

We headed to the vet unexpectedly today. Timber's incision started leaking serosang drainage - A LOT of of drainage... she drips all over the house. The vet wanted to check it to make sure her wound had not dehis'd and it was just a seroma. In the mean time - Rissa has been off all weekend and continually nudging me as if saying - "I don't feel good" - I don't know if the abscess needs more antibiotics or?? so I took her with us to the vet.

Timber's incision is fine and I will keep hot packing it and she will be on antibiotics for another week. Physical exam showed nothing on Rissa. We did lab work - all WNL - just as she was in April. X Rays of tummy and chest. No tumors or heart failure... a puzzle. Thoughts ? nerve pain, ? old age?

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