Saturday, June 19, 2010

June 19th

6/18 Rissa went to visit folks at the retirement village. Today the girlz got to go for a SWIM. Very difficult keeping all the bumpers in play, getting Jillian and Ginger to bring them all the way back to me, keeping them in one area on the deck to dry (not everyone wants a wet dog on them) and Jillian and Ginger are like toddlers - if you don't watch them every second - they are back in swimming... They were happy tho - even tho Timber and Rissa don't look it in this picture.


Flynn Bridgewater said...

Ahh, gotta love a wet dog x 4! lmao!

Timber said...

Interesting how all have different fur and dry totally different - Rissa is wet until the next day. Jill dries in a hour

Flynn Bridgewater said...

Must be depth of the coat or something...Woody was a long-time- to-dry type too (Al, not so much!)