Thursday, February 11, 2010

Thursday 2/11

Rissa went to Tremont today for group reading... Cirra came too so more kids could read to the dogs. K thru 8th grade all came (so the entire school...) One class with me and one with Cirra and we switched 4 times. Rissa (and me...) heard "Big Dog and Little Dog go Sailing" 4 times! Rissa loves the kids and is so tolerant of them all surrounding her. It is just amazing to watch her interact with them all. At 11.5 she is going strong with no signs of slowing down yet - except for her graying muzzle...


Flynn Bridgewater said...

Can't tell who is happier: kids or dog?

Timber said...

It was a tie! Amazing she kissed and snuggled x 2 hours with all of em