Saturday, April 25, 2009

April 24th

Rissa worked her magic again with several patients at the hospital and retirement village. We attended union negotiations before we started our rounds. Very interesting - one woman Rissa really didn't want to have pet her. She was very in tuned with her visitor and when I tried to bring her to the woman again - she went back to her company. I don't know if she had a smell from medicine or what? but her reaction was different than I have ever seen from Rissa. I took all 3 girls on a hike and swim in the afternoon with Pilot and Moxie (mini aussie and Schippkee??)- nice day and no bugs yet. Jill swims! I really had my doubts she would - and don't think she had swum a lot if ever - high doggie paddle strokes and she took on a lot of water - but she retrieved the bumpers and swam - following Timber's lead - she thought she could only enter the water where Timber did. Poor Timber - getting "cold tail" again this year. I waited a month longer than last year to take them in the water - last night it was obvious her tail was bothering her so I gave her an aspirin right away - not as bad this morning as last year... Rissa and Jill don't seem to be bothered. Timber is just a stronger swimmer and uses her rudder tail differently?? Her tail looks like a pony...


Flynn Bridgewater said...

You might want to consider putting a link to READER dog blog (Booksfurkidz)on your blog page.

Timber said...

good idea