Saturday, January 31, 2009

Friday 1/30 and Saturday 1/31

Rissa accompanied me to work and then we made visits to the in-patients. One of our men from the retirement village happened to be at the hospital so we got to see him there - he was so happy to see Rissa - a friendly face he knew! We made visits then at the village and dashed back tot he hospital for another meeting - Rissa was tired and so was I!! Timber had Jill keeping her company at home - no stuffed animals were destroyed when I left Timber this time!!

Took all 3 girlz on a nice winter hike this afternoon with my neighbors and their mini aussie. We were able to stay on snowmobile tracks... we did the chuck it with tennis balls for the dogs - they all got along well and had a blast. Jill is very easy to take just like Rissa and Timber. I only wish I had taken my camera! Jill had a little test today - friends came over with a 3.5 month baby - he cried and Jill was very concerned like Rissa is.. Both gave him kisses... I have not seen Jill give many kisses (unlike Rissa) but she kissed the baby when he was crying. Very sweet - no problem with crying babies for Jill. She also met 2 new people without fear - just a happy wagging girl - very similar to Rissa and Timber - just yellow.

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