Saturday, September 6, 2008

Friday, September 5th

Rissa was her usual fabulous canine at our visits today. We saw almost every patient in the hospital - we were there 1 hour and 45 minutes - and could have stayed longer but - we were due at the retirement village at 1PM.... Dashed there and saw our usual folks - I found the ladies on the Safe Harbor unit in great spirits... bright eyes, laughing and we sang several choruses of "How much is that doggie in the window" woof woof... Came home for a few minutes - got Timber and we went on a short hike and swimming with Kelvin, Cody and Boomer before the READer dog tea. Pier joined us with Bri and Gracie (those Italian greyhounds aren't much for swimming in a lake...) 4 of MJs 5 teams gathered - discussed the past year and what are plans were for the coming year. We got a book from MJ/Kelvin for our library. A long dog filled day! Rissa handled it all quite well for a lady lab of almost 10! Plans are being made to start school again - October 2nd will be our first day. We have some other plans in the works - I'll save that for a future entry.

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