Friday, August 1, 2008

August 1st 2008

Rissa visited many patients and staff today at both the hospital and the retirement village. We met a visitor that has a standard poodle therapy dog in France - and gave her information on READer dog. This week I completed and mailed our Dog Scout of America(DSA) test. It was quite a test - video and written. Both dogs and I were video'd on 4 different occasions performing the requirements of the DSA and I completed a 34 question - mostly essay answer written exam! I hope we pass as I don't know if I would do that again to be a member of a volunteer organization. This week we also started advertising for the canine photo contest to be held at the canine carnival on 9/20. Timber is the featured dog advertising the sports category.

I also attended a children's book signing of one of my favorite authors Chris Van Dusen. I got 1 copy of each of his 3 solo books signed. I gave him a photo I had taken of Jack getting his Down to the sea with Mr. Magee book from Timber (which had been autographed by Van Dusen in March) The girls have been swimming a couple of times this week too! Sunday we went to Algerine Cove with the "neighbors" for swimming and s'mores on the shore... The ocean was quite warm - I even went swimming too! And... I did work this week too!

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