Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Wednesday 11/4

READer dog in Somesville resumed. Only a few kids came... 1 got her book for a filled bookmark(she had 8 left over from May!) I had to tell Tremont school that I won't be coming this semester for READer dog... it would be a high risk situation for me to be at school (which is now being invaded by the swine flu) and bringing what I picked up there to work... Newborn babies and moms are especially susceptible... a few of the docs I work with thought it would be wise to wait until after the holidays to resume Timber at school...


Flynn Bridgewater said...

/yeah, the LAST thing you need is H1N1...your girls are good, but they can't do your errands and stuff! LOL

Timber said...

Ayuh... and we've basically closed the unit down so...