Sunday, September 21, 2008

9/21 Juvenile Diabetes walk

Today the dogs and I walked in the Juvenile Diabetes walk. We raised 125$ for the cause. Pier came and brought her 2 dogs - we ended up walking the long route with Kate and 3 kids. SO - we had 6 dogs and 3 adults and 3 kids that walked together. Over 10,000$$ was pledged/earned/donated today by all the walkers! It was a nice fall day - we did the Paradise Hill loop and added the Witch Hole loop - 2.5 hours. The girls got in a swim towards the end of the hike. James with mini aussie - Pilot. Mick with his puppy - Moxie. Kate holding George. Pier with Gracie and Bri (both Italian Greyhounds). Me and the girls. George walking Rissa along the carriage path.


Flynn Bridgewater said...

You go Girl! Gotta love Labs and Iggies! (Even thoguh mine have NOT been a loveable bunch lately, getting me up way too early and often! Left you a voice message about this too today.

Timber said...

Yes - those Iggies are loves - 5 and 6 years old and matured a bit.

Anonymous said...

OMG the iggies are the cutest!

Pam, you should add the "followers" option to your blog. If you got into layout you can "add a tool", that way you can subscribe to read peoples' blogs. You should do it so I can add yours to the list!

Timber said...

OK Kayte - I did that followers thing. Thanks. So if someone reads this I will know?