2 visits to the hospital. 2 visits to assisted living and our last READ observation done! OK - so with work and visits... I also started Rally O classes.... Both Rissa and Timber came to me trained.... They have excellent obedience skills... Both have titles in hunting, conformation and obedience.... I am so lucky - I can take these dogs anywhere, they are perfectly behaved... (well Timber likes to jump on me... we are working on stopping that)... I had wanted to do pet therapy work with my first dog (Jordan, 13+ and still lives with me, the girls and 2 cats - Lucy and Kirby) He just wasn't cut out to do therapy dog work as hard as I tried. He is sweet and special( in more ways than one!) but his pica habits prohibited us from pursuing that line of work any further!! Kleenex tissues - a favorite of his.... Look Ma - I eat one and another pops up for me.... So, my old food addict, tissue eating, mud gobbling mutt, Jordan, goes along for the ride on all our visits. He has taught the girls one thing - they give you cookies at the bank if you act cute and drool out the window! The other big event of this month is that Timber had her last litter of pups! She went back to her kennel home and had 10 pups on Patriot's Day!
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