Today I received a gift from the employee support Christmas fair - a check for 300 dollars for READer dog! The PR guy wanted a picture of a dog getting the check - I wasn't planning on being in the picture!! Timber wore her vest for the occasion! We then visited patients and staff. After the hospital - I took Rissa in to the retirement village - she was so happy to visit! WAG WAG WAG!! I'll have to tally up my hours for 2008 - READer dog and visiting! Going again tomorrow to the senior home to orient a new pet therapy team...
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
December 31st
Today I received a gift from the employee support Christmas fair - a check for 300 dollars for READer dog! The PR guy wanted a picture of a dog getting the check - I wasn't planning on being in the picture!! Timber wore her vest for the occasion! We then visited patients and staff. After the hospital - I took Rissa in to the retirement village - she was so happy to visit! WAG WAG WAG!! I'll have to tally up my hours for 2008 - READer dog and visiting! Going again tomorrow to the senior home to orient a new pet therapy team...
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Tuesday, December 30th
Bangor Public Library invited Atticus's reader dog friends to a tea/open house today. Atticus listens to children read there on Thursdays. Atticus(yellow lab), Cirra(white,fluffy), Bri(Italian greyhound), Rissa and Timber - best shot I got of the 5 dogs in weird lighting. All the dogs got lots of pats and love from the many children and parents that attended. Rissa found a lap she liked!
Sunday, December 28th
Monday, December 22, 2008
Monday, December 22nd
As you can see - Timber is thoroughly enjoying the 10 - 12 inches of snow we got overnight - she didn't have to shovel it! No activities or school this week. We have 3 events next week though. Merry Christmas. I work Christmas day but, the girls will have a visit from their doggie girl while I am at work... they don't know it's Christmas - everyday is a holiday to them!
Thursday December 18th afternoon
The girls and I met Nancy B (former owner) in Ellsworth to exchange X mas gifts. Nancy gave the "girls" some wonderful books to give kids for READer dog! The "girls" gave Nancy their framed photos and some items from the holiday fair. Also - 2 people I work with are adopting Lucy - yellow lab in picture (former kennel mate to Rissa and Timber). They met us and got Lucy today - as you can see - Lucy gave Wally his first of many kisses. Lucy will live in Bar Harbor with her new family and new boyfriend "Dawson" a yellow lab.
Thursday, Dec 18th
We had to cancel the Somesville library READ yesterday due to snow/ice.
Today Rissa went to school for group reading - all the kids were quite cute. Some read Christmas stories, they told Rissa what they asked for from Santa, we read them Marley's Christmas and What dogs want for Christmas to the classes. They have a 2 week winter break so... no school until 1.8/09!
Today Rissa went to school for group reading - all the kids were quite cute. Some read Christmas stories, they told Rissa what they asked for from Santa, we read them Marley's Christmas and What dogs want for Christmas to the classes. They have a 2 week winter break so... no school until 1.8/09!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
December 14th
Today we went as dog scouts to the Ellsworth Family Festival. They closed down Main St... Had vendors, performers, carolers etc... The dog scouts had a tent for meet and greet. Gave children color books and stickers, educated on how to greet a dog the correct way etc... The girls had a good run this morning out back in the blueberry field - so they were a bit tired after an hour + - Atticus is the yellow lab in the Santa suit! Timber was drooling as the popcorn smells drifted to our area!
I got girl scout troop numbers to put on the girls dog scout vests... Only thing I bought.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
December 12th
Rissa visited her folks at the senior center today. Very few people are living in the assisted part that like dog visits. Some moved and moved down stairs to the memory unit... We can always count on George for some pats - he usually can be found playing solitaire after lunch - he always greets the dogs (regardless of which one) "Oh, you're a good ole fella" He likes to see the girls do some obedience skills and I sometimes let him give them a cookie afterwards. We saw several of the memory unit folks. We've visited Christina since we started (she was upstairs and now lives down) - she always wants us to sign her guest book - "don't forgot to put the dog's paw print"
December 11th
Another school day for Timber - and her last of this year. 3 kids got pawtographed books from Timber! One boy is moving and will go to the Bar Harbor school next semester - he has read to her all last year and this year - he certainly has come a long way in his reading! Rissa will go to school next week for Christmas stories and singing to her!
Monday, December 1, 2008
Dec 1st
What a long, successful and fun day! The employee benefit craft fair and auction was today. Rissa's first task of the day was to help Santa with pictures. We had a great turn out - kids from 4 days of age, 6 weeks to 4 years of age... Rissa was in some pictures and was a goodwill ambassador most of the time. I got some fair shots -most of Rissa's had her eyes closed!! We then made pet therapy visits on the medical/surgical floor and started a new therapy team orientation... Rissa did get a nap when we were not visiting... we then went to help at the end of the fair at the silent auction - Rissa just hung out some more - lots of love, hugs and pats for her and from her all day. What a solid dog she is - never missed a beat and enjoyed her duties all day. Timber does not like being alone at home - her doggie girls came to play with her mid day while we were gone and she was sullen, did not play and did not go out to potty. When Rissa and I came home - she was springing off the floor with joy. I'll post a few pictures - Rissa with a 4 day old baby that came down from the OB unit to have his first Santa pictures and Rissa, Santa and some of the elves that organized and made the day a huge success! I believe over 6,000 dollars was raised for local charities and families/employees in need!
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