We popped over to Tremont school today to fill out our volunteer form and to meet Chris van Dusen again. He is one of my favorite author/illustrators to hear read over and over again by the kids. He was at Tremont doing a writing and reading workshop for the kids there. Timber wasn't that impressed - she was eyeing all the stuffed animals Crystal has in the library! Rissa likes anyone that rubs her belly. We ran into some of the kids as I went in between workshops. We will go on Thursday for our first day of school this year.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
September 30th
We popped over to Tremont school today to fill out our volunteer form and to meet Chris van Dusen again. He is one of my favorite author/illustrators to hear read over and over again by the kids. He was at Tremont doing a writing and reading workshop for the kids there. Timber wasn't that impressed - she was eyeing all the stuffed animals Crystal has in the library! Rissa likes anyone that rubs her belly. We ran into some of the kids as I went in between workshops. We will go on Thursday for our first day of school this year.
September 29th "Pet Pals"
Remote READer dog! Today the dogs and I went to North Haven Island. Took the ferry out of Rockland - takes about 1 hour to arrive on North Haven. Holly (friend from high school) is a teacher out there - we developed a program for long distance READer dog with the kids there in K-4th grade - "Pet Pals" ... We introduced the program and had the kids meet the dogs - they read to them, got book marks... I made up doggie bags(pens, pencils, beanie dog, stickers) for each of the 3 classes (K has 2 children, combined grades 1/2 has 6 and grades 3/4 has 7 kids) The children will read to the stuffed animal (Baby Rissa and Baby Timber) then write the dogs as pen pals what they read or what adventure they took the stuffed dogs on. The program will develop/evolve into what best suits the teacher and class. The girls had a good time with all the kids. They did very well on the ferry ride - first time for them on a boat that size. A long day but it is so easy to take Timber and Rissa anywhere - they just go with the flow and adapt to whatever adventure I take them on. I have some very cute pictures of the kids with the dogs - will not post them on the internet. Picture of the front and back of the bags I did and the girlz on the ferry.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Wednesday, September 24th
READing at Somesville library with Timber... A full schedule of kids + some... Cirra came and helped out. We had 5 new readers plus several of our regulars. Plans in the works for our tea on 10/22. Only the readers that have participated will come from 4-5PM. We'll have snacks and books for all. I have made the invites. The library board will be invited too. They allotted us 150$ to buy books for the kids.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
9/21 Juvenile Diabetes walk
Today the dogs and I walked in the Juvenile Diabetes walk. We raised 125$ for the cause. Pier came and brought her 2 dogs - we ended up walking the long route with Kate and 3 kids. SO - we had 6 dogs and 3 adults and 3 kids that walked together. Over 10,000$$ was pledged/earned/donated today by all the walkers! It was a nice fall day - we did the Paradise Hill loop and added the Witch Hole loop - 2.5 hours. The girls got in a swim towards the end of the hike. James with mini aussie - Pilot. Mick with his puppy - Moxie. Kate holding George. Pier with Gracie and Bri (both Italian Greyhounds). Me and the girls. George walking Rissa along the carriage path.
Saturday 9/20 - Canine Carnival
We had a big day at the canine carnival. The event was well attended and mega positive feedback. Timber ( and Rissa joined in) did a hunting dog demo with Nancy B for folks. She brought a puppy too and some older dogs and showed about training and the commands. Timber a bit out of practice - still did quite well for the crowd. Lydia and I handed out dog bite education to adults and kids. I ran the girls through the rally course. Bought the girls some new collars and had some pictures taken of them by a photographer there. The dog scouts were co-sponsors with the local kennel club - our leader did an amazing job promoting the event and organized a lot of it!
Thursday, September 18th
Both girls got to do pet therapy visits today - the weather is cooler so I can bring both girls in the car. Rissa started at the hospital. We saw several patients and staff members again. We even saw a patient in the E.R. Timber handled the duties at the retirement village. She is enjoying the visits far more now since she knows what to do! We found our ladies in Safe Harbor in good spirits again - we filled a hummingbird feeder for one and took a walk outside with another resident and his wife.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Friday, September 5th
Rissa was her usual fabulous canine at our visits today. We saw almost every patient in the hospital - we were there 1 hour and 45 minutes - and could have stayed longer but - we were due at the retirement village at 1PM.... Dashed there and saw our usual folks - I found the ladies on the Safe Harbor unit in great spirits... bright eyes, laughing and we sang several choruses of "How much is that doggie in the window" woof woof... Came home for a few minutes - got Timber and we went on a short hike and swimming with Kelvin, Cody and Boomer before the READer dog tea. Pier joined us with Bri and Gracie (those Italian greyhounds aren't much for swimming in a lake...) 4 of MJs 5 teams gathered - discussed the past year and what are plans were for the coming year. We got a book from MJ/Kelvin for our library. A long dog filled day! Rissa handled it all quite well for a lady lab of almost 10! Plans are being made to start school again - October 2nd will be our first day. We have some other plans in the works - I'll save that for a future entry.
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