Saturday, June 14, 2008

June 13th

Pet therapy day with Rissa. We went to the local hospital and to the senior center. There was a little boy as a patient in the hospital and was thrilled to get a dog visit. Rissa snuggled and gave him lots of healing kisses. Rissa also gave a READ certificate to a hospital employee who has been buying books and donating them to me for my READ kids.

Thanks Ruth!!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

June 11th

Last day of school. We went to the assembly and gave the kids their Timber READer certificates. The school gave us a nice plant pot of daisies and each girl got a stuffed toy, which they proudly carried out of the auditorium! The 1:1 readers gathered after the assembly in the library for cake and lemonade. Mrs. Dow had a great cake made (as you can see) - the kids all got ASPCA message bracelets from me. We watched the TV news story with the kids too! A nice end to the school year.

Monday, June 9, 2008

June 5th

Today was TV at school day! Channel 5 news did a story on REAder dogs at school. Both dogs shot segments. Rissa also said good bye to the K-4th grades and gave them certificates for reading to "Baby Rissa" all year. It was quite interesting to see how they shot the news piece and what was actually on the TV.

We also went to Bri's READer tea in Blue Hill. It was an end of the year celebration for those children that read to Bri all year. Rissa and Timber were guests and got to meet and greet the adults and children there.