Today I received a gift from the employee support Christmas fair - a check for 300 dollars for READer dog! The PR guy wanted a picture of a dog getting the check - I wasn't planning on being in the picture!! Timber wore her vest for the occasion! We then visited patients and staff. After the hospital - I took Rissa in to the retirement village - she was so happy to visit! WAG WAG WAG!! I'll have to tally up my hours for 2008 - READer dog and visiting! Going again tomorrow to the senior home to orient a new pet therapy team...
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
December 31st
Today I received a gift from the employee support Christmas fair - a check for 300 dollars for READer dog! The PR guy wanted a picture of a dog getting the check - I wasn't planning on being in the picture!! Timber wore her vest for the occasion! We then visited patients and staff. After the hospital - I took Rissa in to the retirement village - she was so happy to visit! WAG WAG WAG!! I'll have to tally up my hours for 2008 - READer dog and visiting! Going again tomorrow to the senior home to orient a new pet therapy team...
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Tuesday, December 30th
Bangor Public Library invited Atticus's reader dog friends to a tea/open house today. Atticus listens to children read there on Thursdays. Atticus(yellow lab), Cirra(white,fluffy), Bri(Italian greyhound), Rissa and Timber - best shot I got of the 5 dogs in weird lighting. All the dogs got lots of pats and love from the many children and parents that attended. Rissa found a lap she liked!
Sunday, December 28th
Monday, December 22, 2008
Monday, December 22nd
As you can see - Timber is thoroughly enjoying the 10 - 12 inches of snow we got overnight - she didn't have to shovel it! No activities or school this week. We have 3 events next week though. Merry Christmas. I work Christmas day but, the girls will have a visit from their doggie girl while I am at work... they don't know it's Christmas - everyday is a holiday to them!
Thursday December 18th afternoon
The girls and I met Nancy B (former owner) in Ellsworth to exchange X mas gifts. Nancy gave the "girls" some wonderful books to give kids for READer dog! The "girls" gave Nancy their framed photos and some items from the holiday fair. Also - 2 people I work with are adopting Lucy - yellow lab in picture (former kennel mate to Rissa and Timber). They met us and got Lucy today - as you can see - Lucy gave Wally his first of many kisses. Lucy will live in Bar Harbor with her new family and new boyfriend "Dawson" a yellow lab.
Thursday, Dec 18th
We had to cancel the Somesville library READ yesterday due to snow/ice.
Today Rissa went to school for group reading - all the kids were quite cute. Some read Christmas stories, they told Rissa what they asked for from Santa, we read them Marley's Christmas and What dogs want for Christmas to the classes. They have a 2 week winter break so... no school until 1.8/09!
Today Rissa went to school for group reading - all the kids were quite cute. Some read Christmas stories, they told Rissa what they asked for from Santa, we read them Marley's Christmas and What dogs want for Christmas to the classes. They have a 2 week winter break so... no school until 1.8/09!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
December 14th
Today we went as dog scouts to the Ellsworth Family Festival. They closed down Main St... Had vendors, performers, carolers etc... The dog scouts had a tent for meet and greet. Gave children color books and stickers, educated on how to greet a dog the correct way etc... The girls had a good run this morning out back in the blueberry field - so they were a bit tired after an hour + - Atticus is the yellow lab in the Santa suit! Timber was drooling as the popcorn smells drifted to our area!
I got girl scout troop numbers to put on the girls dog scout vests... Only thing I bought.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
December 12th
Rissa visited her folks at the senior center today. Very few people are living in the assisted part that like dog visits. Some moved and moved down stairs to the memory unit... We can always count on George for some pats - he usually can be found playing solitaire after lunch - he always greets the dogs (regardless of which one) "Oh, you're a good ole fella" He likes to see the girls do some obedience skills and I sometimes let him give them a cookie afterwards. We saw several of the memory unit folks. We've visited Christina since we started (she was upstairs and now lives down) - she always wants us to sign her guest book - "don't forgot to put the dog's paw print"
December 11th
Another school day for Timber - and her last of this year. 3 kids got pawtographed books from Timber! One boy is moving and will go to the Bar Harbor school next semester - he has read to her all last year and this year - he certainly has come a long way in his reading! Rissa will go to school next week for Christmas stories and singing to her!
Monday, December 1, 2008
Dec 1st
What a long, successful and fun day! The employee benefit craft fair and auction was today. Rissa's first task of the day was to help Santa with pictures. We had a great turn out - kids from 4 days of age, 6 weeks to 4 years of age... Rissa was in some pictures and was a goodwill ambassador most of the time. I got some fair shots -most of Rissa's had her eyes closed!! We then made pet therapy visits on the medical/surgical floor and started a new therapy team orientation... Rissa did get a nap when we were not visiting... we then went to help at the end of the fair at the silent auction - Rissa just hung out some more - lots of love, hugs and pats for her and from her all day. What a solid dog she is - never missed a beat and enjoyed her duties all day. Timber does not like being alone at home - her doggie girls came to play with her mid day while we were gone and she was sullen, did not play and did not go out to potty. When Rissa and I came home - she was springing off the floor with joy. I'll post a few pictures - Rissa with a 4 day old baby that came down from the OB unit to have his first Santa pictures and Rissa, Santa and some of the elves that organized and made the day a huge success! I believe over 6,000 dollars was raised for local charities and families/employees in need!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Nov 30
Well, the girls have had an interesting week - we did pet therapy at the hospital and senior center on Wednesday. We lived without power for almost 2 days. They didn't seem to mind flashlight retrieving. We just went on a nice walk in the woods before I go to work AGAIN! Tomorrow, Rissa will be a reindeer stand in with Santa for photos - at the hospital's employee benefit craft fair and silent auction. I'm just finishing my 6th double batch of Chex mix for the fair....
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
November 20th - school and a fire drill
Timber was calmly awaiting her next kid when the fire alarm went off in school! We filed out to the ball field with the entire school and waited - seems it was an accident and not a planned drill! - Good practice. I would imagine that piercing alarm and flashing lights would excite her - nada - she just heeled out the door with everyone else - never barked or seemed afraid. Colby read 3 books today and got his second free book from Timber - our last kid didn't show up so, Colby read his new book to me - "How to be a good dog"
November 19th
Timber had a full schedule of kids today at the little village library - we're glad Cirra came to help out! One new child/family came today - "Joshua" and "Elizabeth" got a book for reading 10 books with Timber! I saw a HUGE difference in 2 of our readers - Jack and Alicia...
Friday, November 14, 2008
November 14th
Pet Therapy day at the hospital and senior living center. Rissa went to the hospital with me - low census and we only saw 1 patient but multiple staff as usual. She is such a joy to see interact with many different folks. Timber went into the senior center with me - 4 on assisted living and multiple folks in the memory unit. Timber "hugged" and snuggled with a few. She puts her paws on either side of the person's lap and snuggles her head on their chest.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
November 13th
Today was a school day with Timber (last Thursday too) - another child got her book today for reading 10 books to Timber! She was so excited and happy and proud! I am looking into a program that provides free books to kids - I think I meet the eligibility requirements - they were to have a "meet and greet" this Saturday - got postponed until spring - so, I plan to apply soon and not wait until then. Can't hurt to try!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
November 1st
We participated in the fall Acadia Clean Up Day. Most all of the dog scouts met at Little Long Pond and picked up DOG POOP! Guesstimate - about 100 piles (that was only about 25% of what was picked in the spring - SO - folks are picking up after their dogs more!! The girls got to run and SWIM - couldn't keep them out of the pond! The 6 week walk a thon is over - I made 1005 minutes and the other members of my team did that or more SO - we might win in the group category?? Regardless - we all got out and walked with our dogs.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Thursday, 10/30/08
Timber went to school today and listened sorta patiently to 6 readers. The librarian got Timber and the kids some dog beds to sit on - Timber lays down and acts up - pawing at me and turning herself upside down to look at the book... One of our readers got his first free book for the year from Timber - he has already read 10 books to her in 3 weeks...
MDES - 10/28/08

Went to a meeting at Mt. Desert Elementary School today. Robyn, myself and our 3 dogs all attended a planning session for them to have a READer dog in their school. Robyn owns Cirra (picture) and will start next week in grades K-3! I went along to share what I do at the Tremont school. Cirra will be a big hit in those classes and I'm sure will get them excited to read out loud to her!
Friday, October 24, 2008
Friday, October 24th
Had a "doggie" day today! Rissa and I went to a 4th grade class in Bar Harbor. They have a week called the "Business of Reading" - folks in the community come to a class and read to the kids and talk about why reading is important in their job. 3 READer dog teams (in picture) participated. I read a book about a nurse that has a therapy dog - duh!! Rissa teased the kids while I read - she laid on her back- belly up - wagging her tail while I read. SO - 15 minutes into my 30 minute time slot - the kids broke out of their seats to pat Rissa. 8 kids got to be around her and then we switched to the other 8 kids. They looked at her photo album - we talked about her life as a show dog, her being a dog scout plus they saw pictures of the kids she reads with in Tremont. Their favorite pictures were her and her puppies though. I have a nice picture of Rissa with the class for her album - not posting on here. That's Sandy with Boomer(golden ret) and MJ with Kelvin (Chesapeake Bay Ret).
After class this morning - I took Timber in to visit patients/staff at the hospital - we saw 8 and many, many of the staff. I received a donation of 20 books for my READer kids from Ruth at work! What a treat! Timber decided that one of the patients needed a bed buddy and hopped right in bed with her to snuggle... She has never done that... I figured she knew that this woman needed a closer visit then her beside the bed. It really was quite cute. I then took Rissa in to see our folks at the retirement village... as usually - she loves going and they love to see her.
Thursday, Oct 23rd
Timber went to school today - She had brand new dog beds to sit with the kids on! One of our kids read 4 books today - OK, so they weren't War and Peace size books - but the point is he is excited about reading - sets goals and meets them!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
October 22
Today was our 1st anniversary of READer dog at the Somesville library. We had a 13 kids that had read to Timber, Rissa and/or Cirra, over the last 12 months, come to the celebration. Some of the library ladies (and Ellen) decorated and provided some yummy snacks for all. Rissa was licking her chops at the smell of the Halloween cookies! Cirra was eyeing them too! All the children received a book from the library, a book mark, an activity coloring book, a dog print pencil and a large purple paw print sticker! All 3 dogs were very well behaved with all the food, kids, adults and confusion! It was a very nice party and the kids had a great time! The dogs did too - they got A LOT of pats and loving! We'll resume our once a month READing time there next month.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Saturday, October 18th
The girls got a nice fall hike around Eagle Lake (6miles) ! The colors are fading but still some pretty scenery. We logged 165 minutes for our walk a thon!! Pier(Grace and Bri) + Tracy (Simon) joined us. Almost every bike rider was RUDE and I must say we had the 5 best behaved dogs out there! Before the hike - I shopped for the kids books for the READer dog tea on Wednesday!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
October 16th
Thursday, October 9, 2008
October 9th
Timber resumed her 1:1 kid reading today at Tremont. We had 3 repeats from last year and 3 new kids reading to her this session. She is so mellow there - very different than when at home... Guess she knows her "job"!!
Monday, October 6, 2008
October 5th
Dog scout walk and meeting. Dogs lined up from biggest (Great Pyr) to smallest (Chi chi) ! 14 dogs and their owners did a walk from Parkman Mt to Brown Mt - then gathered at the Somesville Firehouse for a meeting, lunch and dog games. This was the first anniversary of the organization of Troop #159.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
October 4th
Today the dogs and I participated in the Alzheimer's walkathon in Bar Harbor. We walked with Lydia(in picture with the girls) and Ellen(Lydia's mom and fellow co-worker and Gestation walk a thon team member) and friends... We walked for Ellen on "Team Richardson" - at the end they had a raffle drawing - I won a quilted lighthouse wall hanging - plus I got a tee shirt - I was trying to have Rissa display it in the picture! A nice day for a stroll and I'm sure they made quite a bit of $ for the cause. We saw several of the employees at BBV - where we do pet therapy visits at "Safe Harbor", the memory unit.
Friday, October 3, 2008
October 3rd
Thursday, October 2, 2008
October 2nd
Today we started back at Tremont school for READ. Took both dogs for PR and reintroducing the program. First time Kindergartners met the dogs. The doggie bag program will start again. Rissa obliged all with kisses.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
October 1st
Went on a fall hike today - climbed Flying Mountain - and then the girls got to swim in beautiful Somes Sound. We were in Valley Cove and you can see down the sound behind them. The colors were nice - overcast day didn't show the vibrance of the leaves here at peak. Rissa turned 10 this week - no signs of her slowing down yet! Got 60 minutes in on my fall walkathon I am participating in through the dog scouts. 6 weeks - walk an average of 30 minutes a day. I am on a team with some girlz at work - team name= "The Gestations"
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
September 30th
We popped over to Tremont school today to fill out our volunteer form and to meet Chris van Dusen again. He is one of my favorite author/illustrators to hear read over and over again by the kids. He was at Tremont doing a writing and reading workshop for the kids there. Timber wasn't that impressed - she was eyeing all the stuffed animals Crystal has in the library! Rissa likes anyone that rubs her belly. We ran into some of the kids as I went in between workshops. We will go on Thursday for our first day of school this year.
September 29th "Pet Pals"
Remote READer dog! Today the dogs and I went to North Haven Island. Took the ferry out of Rockland - takes about 1 hour to arrive on North Haven. Holly (friend from high school) is a teacher out there - we developed a program for long distance READer dog with the kids there in K-4th grade - "Pet Pals" ... We introduced the program and had the kids meet the dogs - they read to them, got book marks... I made up doggie bags(pens, pencils, beanie dog, stickers) for each of the 3 classes (K has 2 children, combined grades 1/2 has 6 and grades 3/4 has 7 kids) The children will read to the stuffed animal (Baby Rissa and Baby Timber) then write the dogs as pen pals what they read or what adventure they took the stuffed dogs on. The program will develop/evolve into what best suits the teacher and class. The girls had a good time with all the kids. They did very well on the ferry ride - first time for them on a boat that size. A long day but it is so easy to take Timber and Rissa anywhere - they just go with the flow and adapt to whatever adventure I take them on. I have some very cute pictures of the kids with the dogs - will not post them on the internet. Picture of the front and back of the bags I did and the girlz on the ferry.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Wednesday, September 24th
READing at Somesville library with Timber... A full schedule of kids + some... Cirra came and helped out. We had 5 new readers plus several of our regulars. Plans in the works for our tea on 10/22. Only the readers that have participated will come from 4-5PM. We'll have snacks and books for all. I have made the invites. The library board will be invited too. They allotted us 150$ to buy books for the kids.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
9/21 Juvenile Diabetes walk
Today the dogs and I walked in the Juvenile Diabetes walk. We raised 125$ for the cause. Pier came and brought her 2 dogs - we ended up walking the long route with Kate and 3 kids. SO - we had 6 dogs and 3 adults and 3 kids that walked together. Over 10,000$$ was pledged/earned/donated today by all the walkers! It was a nice fall day - we did the Paradise Hill loop and added the Witch Hole loop - 2.5 hours. The girls got in a swim towards the end of the hike. James with mini aussie - Pilot. Mick with his puppy - Moxie. Kate holding George. Pier with Gracie and Bri (both Italian Greyhounds). Me and the girls. George walking Rissa along the carriage path.
Saturday 9/20 - Canine Carnival
We had a big day at the canine carnival. The event was well attended and mega positive feedback. Timber ( and Rissa joined in) did a hunting dog demo with Nancy B for folks. She brought a puppy too and some older dogs and showed about training and the commands. Timber a bit out of practice - still did quite well for the crowd. Lydia and I handed out dog bite education to adults and kids. I ran the girls through the rally course. Bought the girls some new collars and had some pictures taken of them by a photographer there. The dog scouts were co-sponsors with the local kennel club - our leader did an amazing job promoting the event and organized a lot of it!
Thursday, September 18th
Both girls got to do pet therapy visits today - the weather is cooler so I can bring both girls in the car. Rissa started at the hospital. We saw several patients and staff members again. We even saw a patient in the E.R. Timber handled the duties at the retirement village. She is enjoying the visits far more now since she knows what to do! We found our ladies in Safe Harbor in good spirits again - we filled a hummingbird feeder for one and took a walk outside with another resident and his wife.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Friday, September 5th
Rissa was her usual fabulous canine at our visits today. We saw almost every patient in the hospital - we were there 1 hour and 45 minutes - and could have stayed longer but - we were due at the retirement village at 1PM.... Dashed there and saw our usual folks - I found the ladies on the Safe Harbor unit in great spirits... bright eyes, laughing and we sang several choruses of "How much is that doggie in the window" woof woof... Came home for a few minutes - got Timber and we went on a short hike and swimming with Kelvin, Cody and Boomer before the READer dog tea. Pier joined us with Bri and Gracie (those Italian greyhounds aren't much for swimming in a lake...) 4 of MJs 5 teams gathered - discussed the past year and what are plans were for the coming year. We got a book from MJ/Kelvin for our library. A long dog filled day! Rissa handled it all quite well for a lady lab of almost 10! Plans are being made to start school again - October 2nd will be our first day. We have some other plans in the works - I'll save that for a future entry.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Wednesday, August 27th
Reading day at the Somesville library! A full schedule of kids! Cirra came to help at the end as it was hot out and Timber might have gotten to over heated - she was fine though - I brought a fan so the air would circulate in our little nook. I've never seen the little library so busy! Many visitors were there and at times we had 5-6 people watching the session. Jialan got her book pawtographed from Timber for reading 10 books! I handed out many bookmarks to visiting kids and adults and encouraged them to check out the blog for more info on READer dog. Many were fascinated with the program and were surprised to find dogs in the library - especially a big, white, furry Cirra. Hopefully once school starts - NEH school will get approval for a READer dog and Cirra will go there. 2 girls came for the second time (Elizabeth and Mia) and I had a new little girl - Faith - as a first time reader. We are starting to make plans for our October session and having a celebration for being in Somesville 1 year. My buddies Jack and Lydia came - Lydia was excited to read to Cirra and Jack read some to Timber and some to Cirra.
Monday, August 25, 2008
August 21st
Rissa made visits to the hospital and to the retirement village. Timber stayed home - to hot in the car still to take both. Some folks working on the house were here and kept Timber company - BUT - I guess she got quite "mopey" and wouldn't play at all.... guess she missed Rissa and me??
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
It's official
We passed our dog scout test with flying colors!! Glad I don't have to repeat that again anytime soon!
Friday, August 1, 2008
August 1st 2008
Rissa visited many patients and staff today at both the hospital and the retirement village. We met a visitor that has a standard poodle therapy dog in France - and gave her information on READer dog. This week I completed and mailed our Dog Scout of America(DSA) test. It was quite a test - video and written. Both dogs and I were video'd on 4 different occasions performing the requirements of the DSA and I completed a 34 question - mostly essay answer written exam! I hope we pass as I don't know if I would do that again to be a member of a volunteer organization. This week we also started advertising for the canine photo contest to be held at the canine carnival on 9/20. Timber is the featured dog advertising the sports category.
I also attended a children's book signing of one of my favorite authors Chris Van Dusen. I got 1 copy of each of his 3 solo books signed. I gave him a photo I had taken of Jack getting his Down to the sea with Mr. Magee book from Timber (which had been autographed by Van Dusen in March) The girls have been swimming a couple of times this week too! Sunday we went to Algerine Cove with the "neighbors" for swimming and s'mores on the shore... The ocean was quite warm - I even went swimming too! And... I did work this week too!
READ at Somesville 7/30/08
Timber saw 1 delightful little girl today at the library. It was her first time with Timber. I met her grandparents in the hospital - we talked about READer dog - and they remembered and brought her in! So many activities going on in the summer - slow for READer dog - which is OK since it is quite hot for Timber in our little nook. We are starting to plan our 1st year anniversary at the Somesville library in October - for all the kids that read to Timber/Rissa this past year.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
July 24th
Timber made visits today to the local hospital and to the senior center. I typically take Rissa on the visits BUT - she was up ALL night due to the thunder storms so.... she was tired today. I was up ALL night too since she thinks she must be in my lap for each clap of thunder - no nap for me! As Rissa gets older she seems to become more fearful of the storms. I took the girls swimming later this afternoon (they have been going every 2-3 days for a dip in the ocean or fresh water) Timber stole Rissa's toy and brought back both at the same time... A stylish water entry for Rissa...
Friday, July 11, 2008
July 11th
2 of Rissa and Timber's "grand-dogs" flew to their new home today. Lindy and Andy are going to puppy training for Assistance Dogs of the West. Their first day of service dog training was to fly in the Puppies in Flight program on US Airways to New Mexico. They fly in the cabin with their very own flight attendant!! Kudos to Nancy/Cedarwoods Kennels for breeding Labradors with the quality and temperament true to the breed - which makes a potential wonderful service dog.
July 10th
Rissa and Timber were one the features in the Ellsworth Chamber of Commerce newsletter. The retirement village where we visit is a member of the chamber - so a picture of the girls out front of the inn, with a write up on them, was printed and distributed to 1000 homes/businesses!
July 9th
Today Rissa visited SEVERAL patients and saw multiple staff members at the hospital. We then saw our regular folks at the retirement community. I was pleased that one of our favorite residents wasn't napping today so she got to get Rissa kisses today. Her smile and shining eyes always show her delight - she was able to get out a few words today like "sweetie pie" "cutie" "brownie"(her word for Rissa)!!
I dashed home and switched dogs - Timber did READ at the Somesville library today. We had some boys visiting from Massachusetts read to her - Timber thought they should get some books from her to take home! (James, George and Mick with Timber) One of our regular readers hit her 10 books read to Timber today and she received her "pawtographed" book from Timber. Great job Lydia!!
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Saturday, June 14, 2008
June 13th
Pet therapy day with Rissa. We went to the local hospital and to the senior center. There was a little boy as a patient in the hospital and was thrilled to get a dog visit. Rissa snuggled and gave him lots of healing kisses. Rissa also gave a READ certificate to a hospital employee who has been buying books and donating them to me for my READ kids.
Thanks Ruth!!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
June 11th
Last day of school. We went to the assembly and gave the kids their Timber READer certificates. The school gave us a nice plant pot of daisies and each girl got a stuffed toy, which they proudly carried out of the auditorium! The 1:1 readers gathered after the assembly in the library for cake and lemonade. Mrs. Dow had a great cake made (as you can see) - the kids all got ASPCA message bracelets from me. We watched the TV news story with the kids too! A nice end to the school year.
Monday, June 9, 2008
June 5th
We also went to Bri's READer tea in Blue Hill. It was an end of the year celebration for those children that read to Bri all year. Rissa and Timber were guests and got to meet and greet the adults and children there.
Friday, May 30, 2008
Thursday, May 29th

Today was Timber's last 1:1 reading session at school. 2 children received their books and we saved Colby's book for next week when the TV station is to come to do a news piece on us reading in school all year. After school we took at trip up to Bradford, Maine, to visit Rissa and Timber's grand pups... 6 chocolate and black, 4 week old pups - toooooo cute. There were also other litters of yellow and black pups... We took "family" photos... between and black flies and trying to get all 4 dogs not moving.... this was the best shot I got. Rissa, Casey(mom), 2 of the pups, Timber and her son, Ivan (Dad, 2 years old).
Wednesday, May 28th
Our dog scout troop was invited to Sumner high school by the special ed class. 5 dogs/owners attended and played with the kids. Breed education, mini rally, retrieving and lots of hugs and kisses.... Timber then went to the Somesville library for READer dog.... we had a group reading session as 6 children showed up for the first time slot.... the 3 older children read to the 3 younger ones (and Timber) Delany received her book from Timber too! Timber gets snuggles during the group reading!
Tuesday, May 27th
Friday, May 23, 2008
May 22
Counting down the school days. Jordan received his book today from Timber (My side of the mountain - one Ruth just donated was perfect for him) We had Cirra in training again today. She did well. All the regular kids were in school today. I prepared them that next time would be out last day as 1:1 reading for the year. The word is channel 5 news will be in school next week to do a story on us in school... what to wear?
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
May 17th
We had an unexpected visit to the hospital today. Both girls saw 2 patients each and many staff. I also received a wonderful gift. One of the women I work with donated/gave me new 6 books to give to children. They are for older kids, higher reading level. I had very few books to give away for a 10 year old and now I have some nice books! Thanks Ruth!!
Friday, May 16, 2008
School on May 15th
Timber did her school gig today. One of the children would have gotten his book for reading to Timber today - but - he was out of school... 2 of my regular readers were on a field trip... SO - it was a perfect opportunity to have 3 of my former kids (read last fall) to help break in a READer dog in training! The 3 boys were excited to help out ( and to see Timber) !!!!!!! "Cirra" is a white Great Pyrenees, 3 years old. Her owner, Robyn, had observed the school READ program a few weeks ago and today she was observing again... I thought it was a good day to start Cirra! Cirra attracts a lot of attention wherever she goes.... She is BIG and WHITE!! It was quite a site to see - big, white, long haired Cirra and black, short haired and seemed very small, Timber - on each side of a kid. Cirra did fabulous for her first time. She stayed for all 3 boys and I think got the hang of it. The librarian took many pictures of Cirra's first day for Robyn and the boys. We made plans for the final days of school. We will "graduate" the remaining children with their new books in the next 2 weeks and have a Rissa group read the first Thursday in June.
May 14th
Rissa visited SEVERAL patients (and staff ) at the hospital - and we then went to the retirement community and she visited all the residents and visited those in an exercise class too! Since it was 70 degrees - I left Timber at home as I couldn't leave her in the car for long periods of time. Rissa handled all the attention - got many belly rubs - she never seems to tire on our visits.
School on May 8th
Another successful school day with Timber and her kids. Justin got his "pawtographed" book - Lost on a mountain in Maine.
Friday, May 2, 2008
May 2nd
Timber resumed her school duties yesterday. "Colby" got his second "pawtographed" book from Timber. Comment from his reading teacher "I wish the dog was here everyday. Colby does not read as well or as much on regular days as he does on Timber days!" Rissa went to the hospital visiting today (only 2 patients that could and wanted to see her... mega staff got love though) and then both to the senior home (split floors)...
April 18th
Both dogs went to the hospital and to the senior home. Lots of patients at the hospital and I split the time between the 2.. also split the floors at the senior home. Timber feels much more comfortable visiting now. She needed to know her surroundings and what she was to do... now that she "gets it" - she loves it as much as Rissa...
April 17th
Rissa got to go to school again this week... group reading by the K - 4th grades. She loved every minute of the kids loving and hugging her.
April 10th - "Cold tail"
Timber did not go to school today and Rissa substituted.... Seems Timber got "cold tail" or a sprained tail from swimming so much yesterday in the cold water.... so, Rissa went to school and by the end - she had cold tail too! One of the saddest sights... normally 2 happy labs - but tonight.... sad faces with their tails tucked and they are quite uncomfortable.... they have had an aspirin...
April 9th
The dogs got their first swim in of 2008! We met some folks and the girls played and swam for 1 hour at Little Long Pond..... to be continued...
March 27th
Timber was in school this morning and then we/she passed her CGC test! Canine Good Citizen test by the American Kennel Club...
Busy Day March 26th
Saturday, April 26, 2008
March 15 and 16
Timber went to her "first home" for the weekend. She accompanied Nancy to the Maine sportsman show at UMO. She was one of the hunting demo dogs at the show. She performed 3 times over the weekend. Nancy was pleased she remembered all the commands and did a great job showing off. Timber is a performance dog and loves to hunt and retrieve. She has excelled over the years in this and obedience (before I adopted her) ... When not performing - Nancy put on her READ vest and educated people on reader dogs and her life in retirement from Cedarwoods Kennel.
March 14th

Today was visiting day at the senior home. A special day as it was "Doris's" 101st birthday. She was the first person we visited there and we have seen her every time we have gone. She enjoys the company and loves Rissa... "Oh the doggie is here!!" I made Rissa a birthday hat for the occasion and we escorted her to her party...
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Today was a school day. Timber was read to by all her kids. Some new... 2nd graders to 7th graders. She wore her shamrock bandanna in honor of the upcoming holiday and her birthday on March 18th - she'll be 8!! One of the realizations today by the librarian and myself - one of the boys was reading a dog book and it was about a Airedale terrier. I got up to get the dog encyclopedia for him to see what kind of dog that was - said to him keep reading to Timber... while I was on the other side of the reading area - he never stuttered or stumbled his words once while reading to just the dog. The difference was that obvious we both noticed it it immediately. She will share the information with his teachers. I am taking Timber up to her first kennel home for the weekend. She is going to be a senior hunting dog demonstrator at the Sportsman Show this weekend. I work - I would love to see her do her thing BUT - gotta pay the bills!
Friday, March 7, 2008
books, books and more books...
Today I traveled to Augusta - I was asked to be on the Raising Readers book selection committee for the 2009 collection. Several educators, parents, nurses made up the group and we reviewed about 10 book selections in each age category from birth to 4 years old. We rated them and the Raising Reader team will review and make decisions on which books to try and get for the next collection. We all received a beautiful tote bag and the latest 5 year book selection - again all Maine authors. I had a nice time and enjoyed meeting new people. The frost heaves on the long drive was the only bummer to the day. I was pleased that we got out a little early - I was able to get home in time to go to a book signing in my town ( just 2 miles from the house) The children's book author happens to be the writer/illustrator for one of the most requested/read books at the library " If I built a car" by Chris Van Dusen. I got his book "Down to the Sea with Mr. Magee" autographed tonight - I had a special boy in mind to give it to as he will receive his "pawtographed" book from Timber the next library read... I called his mom when I got home - he does not have that book so... I am so excited to have the autographed copy to give him at the end of the month (with a Mr. Magee bookmark too!) Mr. Van Dusen was extremely nice and friendly (and owns a yellow lab named Pearl!) I was glad that I was able to get down town to meet him. I'll have to add more of his books to my personal library for the kids to read. I love the illustration and color - and his artistic style which makes it more interesting for me when I am read the same book over and over! SO - the day was filled with books, books, books...
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Monday, March 3, 2008
Pet Therapy in-service
Today I presented a lunch and learn noon in-service to a group of 10-15 folks. All had packets I made with info on how to become a certified pet therapy team, book marks, what you can do as a therapy team etc... A doctor at work has a sheltie which she uses in behavioral health and another new therapy team that just started attended. SO - 4 dogs that all got along very well attended. I made cookies in dog bone shapes for a snack... I was glad some people attended and the effort was worth it as there were a few folks who attended that really wanted the info and some who just came for some "therapy" ... Both the girls were very well behaved. It is so pleasant to walk with both dogs heeling.. we brought the extra cookies to the med/surg nurses - and the girls got MORE attention and love... No school this week as the kids are having some testing of some kind...
Friday, February 29, 2008
Resume visits
Wednesday - Timber went to the Somesville village library. She did great with the kids. The librarian feels the program is a nice addition to the library programs and a huge success with the kids and parents. 2 children will have read enough books next time and will receive their free books to take home!
Thursday - Timber returned to school. 1 child got his book pawtographed today. New children have been added to the roster - some were sick. I received some wonderful photos from the school librarian of the group read with Rissa at the beginning of the month and Timber with her student today getting his book. The children did nominate Timber in the photo contest - which will be announced in March sometime. Local children pick the winners.
Today - 11 AM - Rissa and I went to the hospital for visits - we saw 4 patients. At 1 PM we went to the senior home... Timber went to the assisted living floor and Rissa to the Alzheimer's unit. They both are so gentle and calm and loving with all the folks. Never ceases to amaze me...
Thursday - Timber returned to school. 1 child got his book pawtographed today. New children have been added to the roster - some were sick. I received some wonderful photos from the school librarian of the group read with Rissa at the beginning of the month and Timber with her student today getting his book. The children did nominate Timber in the photo contest - which will be announced in March sometime. Local children pick the winners.
Today - 11 AM - Rissa and I went to the hospital for visits - we saw 4 patients. At 1 PM we went to the senior home... Timber went to the assisted living floor and Rissa to the Alzheimer's unit. They both are so gentle and calm and loving with all the folks. Never ceases to amaze me...
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Friday, February 8, 2008
Today was pet therapy day. At 11AM we went to the hospital - Rissa saw 5 patients and staff to numerous to count. At 1PM we went to the living center. Timber saw several folks on the assisted living floor and then I took Rissa to the Alzheimer's unit. Good day... Many smiles...
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Rissa has fun at school

Today was group reading day with Rissa at school. What fun EVERYONE had. Grades K-4 came to the library to see Rissa. Each class read their journal on the adventures of "Baby Rissa" ( a stuffed little chocolate lab that goes home with children in a tote with a journal and books to read at their level. Each class has one and they take turns taking the bag/stuffed animal home) The K class had their journal completely filled with wonderful pictures and stories. There are even photos of "Baby Rissa" going on a sledding adventure. Rissa was in heaven - totally surrounded all morning by kids loving and hugging her. The stories were priceless of the adventures the kids took the stuffed animal on and what they read to her. "Baby Rissa" has been to Frenchboro, skating, sledding, made pancakes and has watched a number of Christmas holiday classic programs on TV! A second grade mother even made that class's "Baby Rissa" a fleece jacket in Rissa's color green! There is absolutely no way I could ever put in words the excitement, joy and enthusiasm the children had. The 2 wonderful librarians made Timber and Rissa dog tags on a yarn necklaces and all the children in the school got them. Mrs. Dow, Rissa and I went and visited the 5-8 classes.... we didn't know if they would want their dog tags BUT - all took them to wear! The photo shows the little tags on Rissa's collar. Even though I have observed Rissa's interactions with children many times - I am still totally amazed at her temperment. She enjoyed every second of our time at school and obliged any and all that wanted them - with her kisses... I will not be at school next week ( taking a little vacation) - BUT Mrs. Dow will gather the 7 children that read with Timber... they are going to work together and come up with a 25 word essay to nominate their READ dog Timber in a pet photo contest. A good activity for them! I have sent Mrs. Dow a photo of Timber in her READ vest to enter with the essay.
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